Wednesday 10 July 2013

Food and its benefits.


Garlic is an antibiotic and is a food with more than just medical benefits. It belongs to the Alliums family which includes onion and leeks. It contains chemical called Allicin which has healing properties. Garlic is also said to lower cholesterol level. It is said that for Garlic to be most effective to be eaten raw. One pearl a day is adequate.


Grapes and its juice said to lower the risk of heart diseases. Red wine contains flavonoids and grape skin contains phenolics. Both these phytochemicals are beneficial. Drinking purple grape juice or eating red and black grapes will help.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits like Orange, Lemon, Limes, and grapefruits provide Vitamin C, folate and fibre all of which are essential for the body. Limonen found in the pulp and the peeling of these fruits has helped laboratory animals to fight tumours. Half a cup or more helps to keep good health.

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