Saturday 16 November 2013

Yoga for You - 5

Sarvangasana (All Organs Pose)

Destroys all disease and prolongs life, especially in combination with Sirshasana and Paschimottanasana cures varicose veins.

Lie on your back, and slowly raise your legs, lifting the hips and the trunk, so that they remain almost vertical. Rest your elbows on the ground firmly and support the back with both the hands. Press your chin against the chest.
Remain thus for two minutes to start with and gradually increase the period to 30 minutes.

Relieves muscular pain, rheumatism, nervousness, varicose veins, and cures insomnia, giddiness, loss of appetite, and indigestion. it purifies blood, strengthen nerves, and is a brain tonic. It keeps the spine supple.

This asana also relieves complaints of eyes, ears, nose and salivary glands, diseases of the throat, including tonsils, thyroid and parathyroid glands. It cures constipation, piles and tones ovaries, uterus and displacement of uterus.

This asana should not be practiced if you are suffering from chronic nasal catarrh.

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