Tuesday 19 November 2013

Yoga for You - 9

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Very specific for ladies problems. Cures sleeplessness. reduces obesity, invigorates. Relieves diabetes, dyspepsia, weak peristalsis. Develops back and extremities.

Lie on your stomach with your face down. Relax the muscles. Bend your leg at the knees and fold them over the thighs. Hold the ankle firmly with your hands. The knees should be kept together. Raise your head, chest and knees by pulling the legs slowly with the hands so that your whole body rests on the abdomen and the spine is arched backwards like a bow. Int his pose the extremities are fully stretched. Remain in this pose for as long as you are comfortable. Repeat four to six times.

This is a combination of Bhujangasana and Salabhasana.

It relieves insomnia, and obesity, and makes one active. This asana strengthens the arms, legs, abdomen, back muscles and the spine. it is also therapeutic for osteoporosis.

People with hernia should not perform this asana. Pregnant women should also avoid this exercise.

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